By Arnel Chitundu
THE National Biosafety Authority (NBA) has said there is need for local scientists to take interest in research and development on Genetically Modified Organism (GMO’s) to come up with results that are or are against Gene Technology in order for the public to make informed decisions.
NBA Communications Officer Sandra Lombe said if local scientists came forth to conduct research, people would believe science.
Ms. Lombe said evidence-based science was very important as science ideas were testable by different people.
“Evidence is very important because the acceptance or rejection of a scientific idea depends on the scientific evidence produced. Ideas that are not supported by evidence are ultimately rejected. That is why we also emphasize on the need to provide evidence-based science comments during public consultations,” she said.
And Ms Lombe said there were currently seven Biotechnology Laboratories involved in the detection of GMOs.
She however, said for food, feed and processing, the National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Central Veterinary Research and Zambia Agriculture Research Institute laboratories are used to test and detect GMOs animal and plant origin.
“Currently Zambia has capacity in the form of human resource and infrastructure to regulate biotechnology or GMOs and its application such as research and development, contained use as well as placing products on the market,” he said.
The NBA was established under the biosafety Act No. 10 of 2007 and its mandate is to regulate the import, export, transit GMOs, whether intended for use as food, feed or a pharmaceutical to ensure safety for human, animals and protecting the environment.