IF this is what it takes to have elections before 2026, then we are in deep waters, especially that the Government seems to be in Church crusade mode, praying for the terrorists to meet Jesus on their way to Damarcus and like Saul, have a complete change of heart.
What we have witnessed in this country starting last week is a preposterous portrayal of arrogance, political shenanigans, and a display of greed for political power by those who messed us up when they had it.
We will not even talk about Emmanuel Banda’s purported abduction because there is nothing to talk about but this is the same old script which we have read many a time from the time Michael Sata died.
This script is carefully (but foolishly) scripted by those who lost power, watched to see if they would be treated in the same manner they did to those who were in opposition during their tyrannical times and are now testing the waters and will not stop at anything to try their luck and get back to power.
Lungu and team thrive on violence and tribalism and what we are seeing now is the same old script whose only change is that they are now writing it from the opposition bench. They are creating scenes to make this country ungovernable and as usual, Tongas will never cease to be part of their campaign agenda to achieve their stupid, selfish ulterior motives.
Lungu and his friends care less if this country goes up in flames. This is why they were comfortable with all the barbaric happenings during their reign from ritual killings, violence, gassing to spewing tribal hatred against the Tongas because that was the only way they thought could keep them in office and today, because they have not been put behind bars for the criminal activities they subjected us to, they are back with the same shenanigans.
They have the money which as usual, they are dishing out to compromised media houses, the so-called self-proclaimed human rights activists like Brebnar Changala, follower-less political parties and some compromised Catholic and Pentecostal church leaders who they have continued to abuse by using their pulpits to spew tribal hatred and campaigns against opponents.
When it serves them right, even some of these excited Catholic Bishops who cannot see beyond brown envelopes keep quiet. They are birds of the same ensemble and right now, things are playing according to the way they planned them. The serpent is really at work and the church is ndwii because most of these churches that like to grandstand to political parties are led by a bunch of misguided charlatans and sentimental naives who in the name of reverends, bishops and priests, are peddling the PF mischief.
As a matter of fact, this is just the beginning. They are ready to go to unimaginable lengths and breadths just to ensure that what they are doing succeeds and this has nothing to do with whether or not those in Government have failed. It is all about their own bellies. It is about what they benefit from fanning anarchy in the country. These are heartless individuals ready to kill just for the sake of those they support to be in power.
The useless church leaders that have continued to grandstand for the PF are all quiet. Their script is working according to what they wanted to achieve and so, they cannot talk with mouthfuls from the money they have been given by those who looted this country with impunity. They are out to fight. For them, this is war and care less if lives are lost in their push for confusion in the country.
The truth is that those who stole still have the money from their evil activities. They still have the freedom to do as they wish and they will continue to peddle this narrative that the Government has failed because that is the only way they can bounce back to power.
We do not blame them. We blame those who treated them with kid gloves to continue tormenting Zambians when they should have been serving jail sentences for clear-cut crimes they committed. Many of those who committed heinous crimes against Zambians are still walking freely everywhere because the systems they left behind protected them by covering their mischief.
The fight against crime in this country is not about the UPND. It is about the Zambians. The resources looted by those who want to come back did not belong to the UPND; they belonged to the Zambians who saw it fit to bring the UPND into office in the hope that the wrongs would be ameliorated but alas! Most of the things have remained the same.
Today, those who messed up our economy even have the guts to laugh at the Zambians for the current malaise which they caused us because those who assumed the responsibility think healing the country includes allowing criminals acres of space to do as they wish.
Today, the Government is in reactive mode because it failed to do what was supposed to be done at the right time. It allowed the criminals to regroup and they are here causing mayhem with impunity. They can even afford to insult those they wronged because they have been treated with kid gloves.
When we told the UPND to get rid of some well-known PF chaps they have allowed to hold on to critical positions, they never took us seriously. We warned that the PF chaps they were flirting with would come back to haunt them but they thought healing the nation was about gathering dusty bibles to go and preach about the second coming of Jesus. They never knew they were dealing with serpents, criminals who could kill just for political power and what we said is now manifesting.
All these problems start from infiltrated systems. We have a country where even a Grade 7 child knows that there was mischief in the procurement of fire trucks but the entire Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), in its wisdom, says everything was okay and there is no prosecutable offence. That is the same ACC that has continued losing high-profile cases in court because some of those investigating these cases know where their loyalty is.
Criminal-minded political figures have left this country without trace yet we have some people, proud to be appointed to positions in the Immigration Department, but doing nothing. Look at what is happening at the Zambia Law Development Commission (ZLDC) where anyone purported to be a UPND sympathizer is either being frustrated into resigning or have their job description being amended to make them useless.
This is the price they have to pay for being loyal to the UPND as the PF chaps are in high offices pulling the shorts. Where is the Minister of Justice? Where is the PS because she was written to about the wrong things happening at ZLDC but opted to go with the oppressor? Where are the Commissioners?
When you look at the PF people that are in Foreign Service right now, you even wonder what is going on that the UPND see nothing wrong with them yet these are the very people who are funding those who sent them into Foreign Service and this is part of the money that the PF is using to buy off media houses, some Pentecostal and Catholic Bishops, and some so-called human rights defenders to cause anarchy in this country.
It has now become a ceremony to recall letters for PF cadres in Foreign Service going missing at Foreign Affairs because their people are still pulling the strings. Honestly, how can the UPND claim they are on top of things? How then don’t they expect PF and its allies to grow wings knowing they have their people planted in all the systems of governance? How many cases has the state lost against these plunderers? It is because some of those that are supposed to prosecute these cases diligently mess them up knowing where their loyalty lies.
This is why they are insulting everyone including the President. They even have the luxury to directly accuse the President of abduction, a serious crime that no one under Lungu would dare mention because they know they will not be arrested and if they do, some Pentecostal and Catholic Church leaders will rise up to defend them. They know they have so-called human rights activists like Changala rising up for obvious reasons. They know they will find their way out because the systems they left are still intact.
We all know that they are good at lying and they have the propaganda machine to do so since they were not disarmed of their ill-gotten resources. So, one day Lungu will tell the international media that he has been placed under house arrest by the state, the next day, he will be at some police station giving solidarity to someone reportedly missing. It is the usual pattern but UPND doesn’t seem to see all this.
We still have a long way to go before the next elections but look at what they are doing already. They are determined to disrupt everything so that their aim for early elections comes to fruition or if not, to ensure that they cause enough damage by 2026.
Lungu the serpent is out and those who think this is a Tom and Jerry circus must think again. The President has spoken on these divisive, tribal elements who can plunge this country into an abys if not properly handled and those entrusted with keeping law and order must act and come up with sensible, prosecutable cases that will not only be triable in courts of law, but lead to
secure convictions because Zambians are tired of fruitless arrests which lead nowhere.